Thursday, February 13, 2014

Asleep and awake a team effort...

A group of four anesthesiologists Dr. David Swanson, Dr. Melissa Meiners, Dr. 
Patrick Gore and Dr. Martin Mueller are first in the operating rooms to start 
the surgical cases.  They see that patients are safely asleep, breathing and 
hydrated while administering appropriate medications during the procedures.  
Nurses Trudy Wright and BJ Wagner care for the patients in the recovery room.  
This year the Iowa MOST mission purchased and shipped a refurbished anesthesia 
machine with a functional ventilator and gas analyzer.  The equipment is a great 
improvement for better outcomes and patient safety...a gift that will benefit 
patients at the Salus hospital in Huehuetenango for years to come.

Submitted by Jacque Andrew

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