Thursday, February 23, 2012

Gary Pacha - Team Leader

Gary Pacha has served as Team Leader for every Iowa MOST mission. Gary coordinates all the non-medical trip details – the travel, the lodging, the shipment of supplies. He is the liaison with our Guatemalan partners and selects non-medical volunteers and assigns their duties. Gary’s responsibilities for a mission begin months before the team leaves for Guatemala in order to organize a smooth trip.

In Guatemala Gary works to avoid crises and to manage them if they do arise. An important component of his job is to maintain the solid relationships we have strived to build with our Guatemalan partners, a task he enjoys very much as he counts them as good friends.

Once back home, Gary starts thinking about next year’s mission and about raising the funds necessary to carry it out. Fundraising is a constant requirement, but Gary doesn’t mind promoting his passion. To be a part of Iowa MOST Gary says is “good for the soul.”

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