Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Karin Franklin - Project Co-ordinator

Karin Franklin has been the Iowa MOST supply master for several years and she has also filled the position of record-keeper.  This year Karin will not accompany the team to Quetzaltenango and she will be sorely missed, but her mark will be all over the mission.  Since the fall, Karin has played an integral part behind the scenes doing the jobs she has always performed of assembling supplies in the months prior to the trip, packing them and shipping them to Guatemala.  She has gathered them from the stores of FAMSCO, another Rotary entity which accepts donated used and overstocked medical supplies for reuse, and she has purchased the items not found in those stores.  She has inventoried and divided the items by area of use (surgery, anesthesia, recovery, etc.) and packed everything into gaylord boxes for shipping. 

Karin has met with and instructed the team members concerning the need for careful inventory of supplies that at the end of the week will be left behind for the next mission in Quetzaltenango and has also held a tutorial on the detailed record keeping process for the next record keepers.  Karin has been in contact with the Guatemalan Rotarians to provide them with a list of drugs and medicines they will procure for Iowa MOST in country.  Many hours and much work.  We are grateful for Karin’s commitment to Iowa MOST. 

Your presence will be missed this year, Karin, but the results of your dedicated work will be with us!

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