Sunday, March 4, 2012

A Day in Antigua, Guatemala (Saturday)

We arrived in Antigua by mid afternoon on Friday.  After checking into the hotel, everyone went their own way, some relaxed at the hotel before dinner, others were exploring the city.  Antigua is a town prepared for tourist.  It is known as a place to come for one-on-one Spanish lesson. 
Antigua Central Park with Jackaranda Trees in Bloom

Gov't Building on Central Park Decorated for Lent

Cathedral on Central Park

We are here during Lent, and that is visible in different ways – purple banners on buildings, ‘way of the cross’ stations on the square, but the most unique way is a large piece of ‘sand art’ on the floor at the front of several of the churches. The saw dust art is beautiful.

Saw Dust Art in an Antigua Cathedral

Another Saw Dust Art in an Antigua Cathedral
Close-up of Saw Dust Art

Today (Saturday) the group will be doing things entirely on their own, some are zip-lining, others are hiking, other shopping at the large market, and others relaxing.
The bus will be leaving for Guatemala City around 5:00pm.  Dinner will be in G’mala City tonight, with the flight back to the states leaving mid-morning Sunday. 

Cal and I will be picking up a rental car today, and spending several more days in G’mala. If anyone is interested in following the Litwiller’s further adventures in Central America, - Costa Rico and Panama, go to

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