Saturday, March 3, 2012

Rachel & Cal Litwiller - Non-Medical Volunteers / Rotarians

Rachel Litwiller, Jim Arthur, Pete Wallace and Cal Litwiller

This is our second mission with MOST.  We are definitely non-medical and non-Spanish speaking Rotary support volunteers.  This year Cal was in charge of record keeping – entering and updating the patient data on the MOST data base, plus up-dating and posting the operating schedule. Cal also posted all the items on the blogspot. He did spend one afternoon, dressed in scrubs, observing surgeries which he really enjoyed.  Due to Cal’s Biology background he finds this very interesting.  Cal also handled all the computer generated items – such as photos. 

I, Rachel, spent most of my time keeping ‘command central’ organized so I could find requested items.  I also spent time gathering bios from each MOST participant and wrote some of the articles for the blog, so Cal could post them at night when the internet was more responsive.  On screening day I took all of the photos of the prospective patients, so a photo could be included in their file. 

It has been another rewarding year, “changing one life at a time”.  To see the deformities and then see the correction these skilled surgeons perform, it is just an amazing emotional experience. 

I hope everyone has enjoyed the blog and if you are so moved, please make a contribution to Iowa MOST so this wonderful program will be able to continue year after year.  
Rachel Photographing Patients during Screening

Cal and Mario

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