Thursday, February 21, 2013


One of the outgrowths of the Iowa MOST presence this year has been the opportunity for some of our doctors to provide educational presentations to various groups.  Dr. Jeff Hammond discovered that firefighters would appreciate some workshops concerning burn treatment and crush injuries and obligingly prepared talks, which were very well received.  Constant training and education of the firefighters is of major importance and a focus this year for them is rescue because as much as 50% of their calls involve vehicle accidents.

Two years ago, Dr. Canady gave a talk to the medical students at the Universidad de Mariano Galvez about cleft lip and palate, and this year he followed up with a talk on sleep medicine.  Dr. Hammond spoke about burns to this group as well, and Dr. Oscar Gomez presented a talk to the members of the local Association of Medical Doctors concerning acute gastroenteritis.  Both groups were excited to be offered these opportunities.

Each year it is good to find ways to give back to the community in any way we can for the many kindnesses we receive here.  Thank you, Dr. Canady, Dr. Hammond and Dr. Gomez, for going to the effort to share your time and expertise. 

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